A business item is a good or service that is sold to businesses for their own use. This can be in contrast to consumer products, which are sold directly to consumers for their own enjoyment. Business items can be tangible or intangible. Examples of business products include office supplies, janitorial services, and management consulting.사업아이템
While the definition of a business product is broad, there are certain parameters that must be met for a product to qualify as such. It is important to note that business items are not the same as inventory, which is a collection of raw materials or work-in-progress that is owned by the company.
Generally speaking, business products fall into one of six different categories: installations; accessory equipment; raw materials, component parts and processed materials; maintenance, repair and operating supplies; or business services. Each category can be further divided into subcategories, such as convenience goods, shopping goods or specialty goods.

When a company produces a new business product, it is often difficult to determine where that product will fit into the market. It is important to establish a market for a business product before production begins so that the finished product can be purchased and sold effectively.
Business products are a crucial part of the economy, helping to keep factories running, hospitals operating, and schools, stadiums and homes functioning properly. They are the lifeblood of the economy, and it is important that businesses recognize the value of their business products so that they can continue to function well in today’s marketplace.
A business product can also be compared to an Olympic athlete’s sporting tool, such as a pole for a high jumper. Without it, the athlete would not be able to perform the event. A business product, like a toothbrush or computer, allows people to brush their teeth and communicate with others more effectively.
A business item can have a variety of attributes associated with it, including the display name, implementation and metadata. The display name is the name that appears to business users when the business vocabulary is exported to WebSphere Business Compass and is used in process maps to represent business data. The implementation property allows you to select the business object or WSDL message that the business item is based on. Lastly, the metadata is the information that is stored with the business item. This can include attributes such as description, quantity and price.