Hair Loss Hospital
Hair loss can be a symptom of a serious medical condition. It can be a side effect of certain drugs, including lithium, beta-blockers, blood thinners such as warfarin and heparin, and cancer chemotherapy agents such as doxorubicin (Adriamycin). 압구정모발이식 Severe emotional stress, such as grief after the death of a loved one or major surgery, may trigger hair loss in some people. It also can be a sign of thyroid disease or a serious nutritional deficiency, especially iron, protein and zinc. It can be caused by frequent use of hair treatments such as hair dyes and relaxers or by wearing tight ponytails, cornrows and other styles that cause traction to the scalp and damage to the hair follicles. It also can be a result of the mental health disorder trichotillomania, in which people pull out their own hair.강남헤어라인

The first step in diagnosing hair loss is a careful review of the patient’s medical history and a physical exam of the head and scalp, including examining the pattern of the hair loss. A sample of the hair or scalp may be needed for laboratory testing to uncover hidden problems such as a fungal infection. In some cases, doctors might perform a “pull test,” in which they gently pull out several dozen hairs to see how many fall out. They might also run a blood test or do a scalp biopsy, in which they scrape samples from the scalp for microscopy to look for signs of inflammation.